Brain awareness week 2021

15-21 March is the International Brain Awareness Week in 2021, an educational initiative aiming to raise awareness of the importance of brain research and brain health. 

Lifebrain is one of the 7300 partners across the globe, and we will mark this event by running a series of brain quiz questions on our facebook and twitter pages.

Lifebrain researcher Isabelle Budin Ljøsne says: ““The brain is our most important organ as it controls all our bodily functions. It is also what makes us to who we are. When we become sick, it is possible with surgery to replace a lung or a kidney but it is not possible to replace the brain. So, take care of your brain…. and take our brain quiz! It is a fun way to learn more about brain health”.

Each day we will post a new question related to the brain, based on brain research, and we invite the public to vote on the correct answer in an online poll! We will post the correct answer each evening – so be sure to follow us!

You can follow our Facebook and Twitter pages here:



Brain awareness week is coordinated by the Dana Foundation in the U.S.

Published Mar. 10, 2021 4:18 PM - Last modified Mar. 18, 2021 8:45 PM