Lifebrain researchers: Interview with Nanna Fredheim

We are happy to announce a new member to the Lifebrain team! Researcher Nanna Fredheim, with a background in media and communications, will be working with stakeholder engagement and on public perceptions of brain health. In a recent interview, she said;            “The scope and ambition of the Lifebrian project impressed me.” 

Researcher Nanna Fredheim, based at the Division of Health Data and Digitalisation at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health

She will be based at the Division of Health Data and Digitalisation at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

Her previous position was as a PhD student in Media and Communication at the Institute for Social Research in Norway, with the project called «Health Communication Regimes».

What was your motivation for getting involved in Lifebrain? 

Having been interested in both public health and the brain for years, I was intrigued by the integration of mental, cognitive and brain health in Lifebrain. The scope and ambition of the project impressed me. I look forward to meet with the people involved. 

What will you be working on?

I will primarily be involved in the work package on stakeholder engagement. I will be analyzing and reporting on the Global Brain Health Survey, on public perceptions of brain health. In addition, I will be involved in public and stakeholder communication more generally.  

What is your background and how will you use this in your current position?

I recently finished my PhD in media and communication where I focused on communication strategies in relation to health care policies, notably public priority setting of innovative medical technologies. My primary methodological competence is qualitative, which I expect to be useful in interpreting the survey responses on perceptions of brain health. In my former position within the Norwegian Health Directorate I was furthermore responsible for communication and patient participation within a national programme.

Do you have any tips for what people can do for their brain health? 

I am still learning about brain health factors, but being mindful of brain health throughout life appears to be helpful. 

Published Apr. 6, 2021 4:11 PM - Last modified Apr. 6, 2021 4:15 PM