Successful LifeBrain kick-off meeting

Our kick-off meeting in Brussels has been successfully accomplished. As coordinator of the consortium, the Center for Lifespan Changes in Brain and Cognition at the University of Oslo invited all project partners to a three-day-meeting at the EU headquarter.

The kick-off meeting provided the perfect opportunity for all partners to review objectives, tasks deliverables, management structures and ethical considerations in LifeBrain. Planning for the first deliverables foreseen in the first 3-6 months of the project was a crucial part of the agenda.

It was an honour to have Dr. Ruxandra Draghia-Akli, Deputy Director General, European Commission - DG Research & Innovation, greeting our project participants and holding a presentation on EU's commitment to supporting brain research.

Dr. Ruksandra Draghia-Akli presenting
                                    Dr. Ruxandra Draghia-Akli (EC) is presenting

We were also lucky to be advised by Nassima Ferahtia, our project officer on the expectations of the EC. Stéphane Hogan, Head of Section for Neurosciences at DG research, European Commission also joined us in the first day and provided us with useful advices for project implementation.

Nassima Ferahtia, Kristine Valhovd, Stephan Hogan
Nassima Ferahtia (EC), Kristine Walhovd (UiO)and Stéphane Hogan (EC)



Anita Kucharska, teamleader at the Administration and Finance Unit, Health Directorate, DG Research and Innovation presented and answered our questions on financial management and legal issues of the project.

Anita Kucharska (EC) is presenting
                                       Anita Kucharska (EC) is presenting

The agenda also included fruitful scientific discussions on the potential levels of data sharing with regard to analysis of profiles of brain, cognitive and mental health or the specific variables for data harmonization.

Discussion on data harmonisation
                                          Discussion on data harmonisation


We received an excellent guided walking tour in the historical centre of Brussels and could enjoy the Belgian cuisine over delicious dinners.

Historic walk in Brussels
                                                   Historic walk in Brussels

We see each other again at the next project meeting in Barcelona, October, 2017!

David Bartres-Faz, University of Barcelona
See you in Barcelona! David Bartrés-Faz, Professor of psychology, University of Barcelona


Published Jan. 26, 2017 8:30 AM - Last modified Mar. 9, 2017 3:49 PM