An active lifestyle is linked with good brain health in old age

Frequently engaging in social and intellectually stimulating activities is linked to better brain health in old age.

Source: Colourbox

Leasure activities such as meeting friends or family, playing board games and cards, reading, playing a musical instrument, doing crafts, going to the cinema/ concert or a lecture, volunteering, shooting pool, going to a senior centre, participating in group activities, attending church are associated with large hippocampal volume (a region of the brain essential for memory) and whole-brain measures of white matter volume. Higher leisure activity levels are also related to less white matter damage. These are findings from a current review done by Lifebrain researchers at the Department of Pscyhiatry, University of Oxford.

Read more about the impact of leisure activities on brain health in the Lifebrain E-newsletter September, 2018

Published Oct. 5, 2018 9:51 AM - Last modified Oct. 8, 2018 2:56 PM