Mrs. A.: A story of a successful ageing

People make immensely valuable contributions to research. Mrs. A., the last of the 516 BASE participants, was one of them. This article is a tribute to her in gratitude for the time and engagement she has given to supporting research and allowing insights into her life.  

In December, Mrs. A., passed away at the age of 107. The Berlin Aging Study (BASE) is a multidisciplinary investigation of old people aged from 70 to over 100 years who lived in the former West-Berlin. The study covered their mental and physical health, psychological functioning and socio-economic status. Read more about her research participation and life in the Lifebrain e-newsletter June 2020.

Photo by Sandra Düzel

Published June 30, 2020 3:31 PM - Last modified Oct. 1, 2020 3:59 PM